. . . because it's just a bunch of bad pictures of my AV dancing.
As you may know, I've been feeling a little vanilla lately so I switched to this look. I wish I could tell you who makes that fab skin, but I got BOOTED out of SL a while ago and I still can't get back in. (UPDATE: The skin is by Skinthesis, called Hob gray in Unseelie from the Sidhe Collection.]
(Hello, Thursday Morning -- I still can't get in. Irritating, yet refreshingly healthy-feeling. I guess I'll resort to the shocking behavior of reading the newspaper and breathing fresh air instead.)
What the hell, Lindens??? I only have a couple of days left for zombie popcorn!!!!!
But anyway, I've still got the SL fever, so I'm just gonna blog a bunch of these photos that are scattered all over my desktop. (And a day later, I'm laughing at all the blogs that say, "Sorry about these random photos . . . I can't get inworld." I thought I was the only one who sought inspiration in my pile of "bad bad pictures" [as opposed to the usual "bad pictures"].)

(Yeah, that A&M MOCAP sign really ruins the artistic and inspirational mood of this award-winning photo. But I had to choose between leaving it in there or, GASP, cropping out a boob along with it. Unfortunately, I will not sacrifice cleavage for art.)
Um, so the Fantasy Faire was the coolest thing that's happened in my non-eventful SLife for a while. I'm sorry if this opinion ticks anyone off, but I thought it was so much better than last year's Fantasy Faire. In fact, I was actually pretty reluctant to go because I have still have a bajillion neglected folders full of stuff from Fantasy Faire 2009.

I ran into my talented and adorable friend Aisuru Rieko there! Awwwwww, she's so CUTE!!! I wanted to pick her up and swing her around. (Hey, how did you get such CUTE FEET, Aisuru???)
Anyway, what usually happens is, I go to Fantasy Faire, get FANTASY FEVER, decide I'm going to be an elf or a mermaid or a dragon or something for the rest of my SLife, spend a boatload of lindens on . . . well, frankly a bunch of elven crap (ducks and runs from a gang of angry elves now - KIDDING), and then the phase passes and I take my attention deficit disorder elsewhere.
Kind of like when I decided to be a pirate after last year's RFL Clothing Fair.
I swore it wasn't going to happen this year. But it did. And now I own a 999L Elven House, this trippy skin, these ears, a bunch of . . . giant sparkly plants (??), a REALLY EXPENSIVE ROBOT SUIT, a . . . monster in a box . . . or something, and GOD ONLY KNOWS what else.
I'm blaming Ambien and a slight urge to hoard things.
And you know, to be honest, I have totally lost track of where I was going with this post.
Um . . . I went to Fantasy Faire, I liked it, The End.
I still haven't changed out of my Fantasy Faire-wear.

On a totally unrelated note . . .
Whenever I want to laugh my ass off, I go to A&M MOCAP or some other dance store and make fun of my avatar dancing. I've been working on my chim lately and in the process I've learned that, despite my best efforts, there is absolutely NO DANCE in existence that doesn't make my AV look like a damn fool.
HA HA HA! See, I'm totally laughing right now. You probably have to be there though.
Um, I guess that's it. Oh, speaking of dancing, I could not love THIS DANCE QUEEN BLOG more. Scroll past the event listings (even though those are interesting too) and watch some of the dance sequence videos. Very cool, especially because they share the choreography formula with clueless readers like me.
(I think I just made up the term "choreography formula"? It means "what dances they used, where they got them, and the order in which they used them.")
On a more serious note, several people have asked me if I'm going to post some drama-llama e-mails on a separate Web page. I'm only posting them HERE to help out a good friend. I don't want to talk about them in world, please.
(laugh out loud)
(You just got Rick rolled.)