She wrote, "Sometimes friends give hugs, sometimes they just give you more bait."
(*sniff* Hugs, Cait!)
So I loaded up my rod with Cait's bait, headed over to the nearest fishing hole and caught . . .

. . . . JON???!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jon has been away for a really long time.
I guess he heard my SOS.
I missed him. :(

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
See, I could have ended this post sort of dramatically with that picture right there, but I need to point out that rawwwwwkin' rocking chair.
When it doesn't have a big strapping man holding a highly emotional girl in it, it looks like this:

It's called A Quiet Moment and it's a lucky board exclusive at Belle Belle furniture. And yeah, it's got that "awwwww!"-inducing couple pose in it.
While you're stalking Belle Belle's lucky board, don't forget to slap the Midnight Mania board there too. The featured furniture piece will change each week until eventually, if you're lucky, you'll have Belle Belle's entire Luna living room set. I love you (designer) Leyla Firefly!
This week's featured MM piece is the Luna Coffee Table. And as you can see, I was too late to snag it today. *sigh*

A little bird told me that next week's MM prize will be the Luna chair and matching poof (the noun, not the verb).
And leave it to me to totally kill a sort of romantic post with a random furniture tangent.
But hey, would you expect any less? :D
I missed him. :(

. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
See, I could have ended this post sort of dramatically with that picture right there, but I need to point out that rawwwwwkin' rocking chair.
When it doesn't have a big strapping man holding a highly emotional girl in it, it looks like this:

It's called A Quiet Moment and it's a lucky board exclusive at Belle Belle furniture. And yeah, it's got that "awwwww!"-inducing couple pose in it.
While you're stalking Belle Belle's lucky board, don't forget to slap the Midnight Mania board there too. The featured furniture piece will change each week until eventually, if you're lucky, you'll have Belle Belle's entire Luna living room set. I love you (designer) Leyla Firefly!
This week's featured MM piece is the Luna Coffee Table. And as you can see, I was too late to snag it today. *sigh*

A little bird told me that next week's MM prize will be the Luna chair and matching poof (the noun, not the verb).
And leave it to me to totally kill a sort of romantic post with a random furniture tangent.
But hey, would you expect any less? :D
That was some bait! NICE catch! :D
Awww crap - I can't see the pics until I get home from work. :-( I can hardly wait to see you and Jon!
Belle Belle has adorable stuff but omg it is so incredibly primmy.
YAY Jon! I hope I get to meet him soon!
Lizzie, Jon said we could give him a makeover!
(If he ever comes back that is, LOL)
*Emerald transfers Jon into the splitting image of a grown-up Manuel Sanchez, her first love in sixth grade. (sorry, Prad)*
Latino Jon.
And thanks, Casandra!
And yeah, Tymm, I would call Belle Belle "special occasion" furniture -- like, I'd put it all out when I was trying to impress someone but then quickly revert back to low-prim before I got busted for blowing my prim allowance. :D
Really nice stuff there though!
You caught a guy with that? (*runs out to buy more) giggles! Glad it made you smile chica! Hugs!
That chair is awesome. Too bad the no-mod permission won't let me trim some of the prims off. I had to take away a sofa, a fireplace, an outdoor swing, pose stand and a litter box just to rez that chair, because I'm not about to rez and use it in a sandbox. That would be super ghetto. XD
LMAO Kareem!!!!!!
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