
Sunday, October 31, 2010


Emerald Wynn is ghosted on the porch of Mynerva!

And with no hair!!!!


There is nothing freakier than seeing your AV ghosted somewhere - and moving around with an AO!

UGH. The owners are offline. I tried to eject her using God Tools, but it didn't work. FML. Maybe my alt could buy some kind of a griefer weapon and shoot her? A guy hit me with a giant penis once and it booted me offline. Where can I get one of those?

On another note, I didn't realize how luscious and sexy my curvy alt was until I put her next to the apparently freakishly proportioned, 12-foot-tall, spindly Emerald Wynn. If I ever get Emerald Wynn off the porch of Mynerva, I'm going to Frankenstein her and give her my alt's body, but keep Emerald's face.

And on that note . . . Happy Halloween?

Stop by and say hi — I'll probably be hanging there all night. :(

Saturday, October 30, 2010

It doesn't have to end


Normally if you were to say, "Hey Emerald, why don't you dress all burlesque today?" I would probably reply, "Why don't you kiss my non-burlesque arse?"

Kidding. I don't passionately dislike that style, but it's just not me at the moment. However, living a rich, fulfilling life sometimes requires stepping out of our comfort zones, kids. So when Ezura Xue of the awesome store + ezura + passed me her new Burlesque Victorian Vampiress set for review, I said, "What the hell?" and donned it. (And now you too must use the verb "don" in a sentence this weekend. I insist.)

And you know what? It's hot!

What I really love about it is that on Nov. 1 you don't have to pack it up in a "Halloween 2010" inventory box where it will crumble and rot as you forget all about it in 2011. You can go from rocking a bloody mouth and posing next to a chair with a big damn pumpkin in it . . .


. . . to just looking hot and gothy whenever you feel like it.

The cool bat-winged hat is included, and those are bat wing attachments on the arms too. Awesome.

Stockings also are included with the outfit, but I switched them out for my Stiletto Moody Lucky Lingerie Stockings because last year I paid a fortune for those things and BY GOD I'm gonna wear them whenever I can until my AV drops dead. (Laughing because that was the longest sentence ever.)

Hair: Nadine 2 in Auburn by Truth

Let's look at a big picture of my face for a second:


As I mentioned in the previous post, every Friday a male and a female skin are marked down to 50L at Skinthesis. I love the fantasy skins there, so my Skinthesis folder is getting FAT. I've been wearing this Mindi, Carnival of Souls skin in Powder for a while. The fangs and blood are a tattoo layer from Olive Juice.

I'm wearing Goldblooded Earrings in Iced Onyx by Ganked because they're cool and I like yelling, "GANKED!" And you're going to have to pry those Booty Bay boots by Adam n Eve off me because I want to marry them.

Last but not least, don't get me started on the eyes because I'll get UNBEARABLY GIDDY! They're Moonstone eyes from the NEW Gems in Your Eyes collection at A:S:S. See the whole lineup on the A:S:S blog HERE or keep watching this one.

The Burlesque Victorian Vampiress set is 498L, or 249L for ezura VIP group members for a limited time. See (much much much much much much much better) professional pics of it on ezura's blog HERE.

Olive Juice
Adam n Eve

I won't let it go to my head

I noticed nobody's been writing any blog posts about Halloween, so I thought I'd be a trailblazer.


Welcome to another episode of "Hey, look at this stuff I like!" (Ewwwwww! Look at my weird, puffy man hand!! What the hell??)

Several people have asked me about this outfit, as in, "Hey, where'd you get that dress?" It makes me feel a little triumphant because during my past two years here, the only thing I've really mastered is the fine art of being a total SL Fashion Fail. *takes a bow* So wearing something that actually inspires strangers to IM me about it, well hell, that's like [insert your own triumphant metaphor here].

Here's the thing about this look:


(Let's pretend the necklace rezzed all the way. :-\ )

It's actually not a dress; it's a mix-and-match — something else I usually screw up royally. So YAYYY ME! (sorry) And the skin! Did you know every Friday, Skinthesis sets one female and one male skin to 50L? (Follow the blue arrows.) And Cane Sutter is so generous, she usually leaves them out all weekend. This weekend she has some ghastly skeleton skins out. I got this Mindi - Carnival of Souls skin two weekends ago.

OK, back to the "Hey, where'd you get that?" outfit: The skirt is from Ribbon, a groovy little Japanese store that I really think you'd like — everything there is insanely affordable. For a whopping 20L you can grab the Limited Halloween Lace Dress, which includes a hat, net top, glitch pants, this skirt and some fluffy, um, boob pom poms that there's no way in hell I'm ever wearing. And if the whole black-and-orange thing is starting to make you nauseous, you can grab a black version and/or a white version for the same price.

For your reference, here's what the whole thing looks like:


("Did your pasties explode or are you just really happy to see me?")

As for the top:


(Yeah, you've seen this pic before. Sorry.)

I have Celebrity Trollop to thank for it. One day I got an IM from her that said, "You need to go grab this PixelDolls outfit." So I did. I buy everything Celebrity tells me to buy because who could ask for a better fashion mentor?

It's from the PD outfit Madiera in Black. It's tough for me to help you find it because I can't remember at which PD location I bought it. However, there are some great 10L tops that have the same texture and intricate laser-cut detailing at the current 10L Clearance Sale at the PixelDolls <3 Lobby (see SLURL below.)

Let's wrap this up with a hat. I'll take your ho-hum witch hat and raise you the Most Awesome Witch Hat Ever:


OK, maybe not "ever," but definitely this year. It's the Glamora Witch Hat from Couture Chapeau. For 199L, you get two versions: black and gold (shown) and all black. (We'll get to that fabulous outfit in the next post.)

I have a couple more Halloween posts in the works. I'm SKATING IN WITH THEM at the last minute, as always.

But right now I have to go dress up like a fairy (in RL) for a (RL) Halloween pub crawl. Woo hoo!

Love and Halloween hugs!!

PixelDolls <3 Lobby
Couture Chapeau 

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Everything's better with bacon

Yes, you can see many amazing displays of creativity at Burn 2 (ends Oct. 24).

You can also get this awesome, full-perm flying bacon sandwich:


It's in one of the two boxes of free gifts at the landing point.

It sent me an email today too:

"The object 'bacon sammach plane' has sent you a message from Second Life:
Locator beacon: Your vehicle is located at Bluebonnet(90,41) at an altitude of 30 meters."

Laughter. And more laughter. Thank you for your thoughtful email, bacon sammach. You're the only one who really understands me.

When I read the news about Philip Rosedale today, I actually started writing a long, pondering thing about what SLife will be like if Microsoft really does buy Linden Lab and converts all our lindens into Microsoft Points and whether it would be a good thing or bad thing if Emerald Wynn was forcibly removed from my life and would they at least let us have little AV funerals first and blah blah blah blah blah.

But I'm trying to think only of happy things these days. And flying bacon makes me happy.

VISIT THE BLOG: Burn 2 blog
TODAY'S LINDEN LAB NEWS:  Amid Microsoft buyout rumors, Linden Lab founder leaves CEO post
BACON RECIPES: Bacon Recipes

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

I laughed so hard, I cried

So, this is a picture of the I Love Tim Burton Hunt (Oct. 4 - Nov. 4) prize from Cute Bytes:


And here's a picture of one of those trees in my yard:


Oh my gawd, oops.

Shoot, that is totally gonna make my house stand out from the rest of the neighborhood!

(I was wondering why a tree needed a rezzer.)

Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice, Beetle Juice!

Visit In World: Cute Bytes

Monday, October 18, 2010

That darn cat


When I was a kid, my two brothers and I would fight over the cat on this T-shirt. He came in a pack of cardboard Halloween decorations, and NONE OF US wanted him taped on our bedroom windows because there's nothing scary about him. In fact, we thought he was damn lame. Even as little kids, we grasped the concept of "WTF is this thing doing in a pack of Halloween decorations?" I mean, they gave it a shot with the fangs and all . . . but he's wearing a monocle, for God's sake.

And we won't even get into his stupid bow tie. He gives a bad rap to black cats everywhere.

Finally, one of us got mad one Halloween and ripped him up. *cough*

Three decades later (gulp), I'm now delighted to see him on one of several free Halloween T-shirts at terri.tees. He reminds me of a really innocent time, when life's greatest tragedy was getting stuck with this thing as a bedroom Halloween decoration while everyone else had a witch, a ghost or Frankenstein. Back then we didn't know far scarier things existed, like my current MasterCard balance. (Ha ha ha! That was stupid, sorry. But true.)

Get this Sophisticat tee (also comes in a tank top) for 0L at terri.tees and give your inner child a big Halloween hug. Bravo, Terri!


Sunday, October 17, 2010

Oops?? (and last Jewelry Fair post)

Um, iheartSL used to only run a pic and a couple of paragraphs from each of these posts and then link to the rest of it here.

Unfortunately, I just realized that a BUTTLOAD of past posts have been running in their entirety over there, which must be agony for the people reading that feed. WOW and LOL because oh LORDY, these posts can get long! (No, really?) The good news is, I just figured out how to insert page breaks in them. So hopefully that fixed it? Maybe not. :-\


I've been kissing many lindens goodbye at Bliensen + MaiTai ever since I discovered that store more than a year ago. As usual, they didn't disappoint at this year's Jewelry Fair (which ends in a few hours *sniff*). I'm wearing the Beauty + The Beast necklace and earrings here, and I particularly love this set because the colors are perfect for the season. (Wow, that sentence sounds like my grandmother wrote it. Sorry.)

Vivrant thing

Hey, it's the last day of Jewelry Fair, so let's crank out some jewelry posts. I'm aiming to post a plethora today, but I'll be lucky if I make it through two. If you're over jewelry, there's a cool free skin in this post. Scroll down toward the end.


I noticed that whenever anyone blogs about Violator, they go out of their way to make their pictures dark and edgy. "I'm not doing that," I told a friend of mine. "I'm going to shoot it with unicorns and rainbows!"



This necklace and earrings set is called All the Forbidden Things (in Antique Gold) by Violator (Soraya Vaher and Minx Glaz). It's 1500L and it can bring a whole sim to its knees. I know because I crashed several times when I was taking these pictures. Finally when I logged in, I got a script error message that said, "Unable to create the item that is causing problems in this region." And the necklace was gone! IT WAS GONE!! (Fortunately not from my life -- just from my neck.)

So wear it and feel genuinely rich and powerful.

Monday, October 11, 2010

I can't sing but at least my necklaces are cool


I thought you guys might want to see what my shoes usually look like (at least to me) in SL these days. AWESOME, no? Honestly, I've been thinking about starting a "Guess what these shoes are!" contest on this blog. That would be fun.

Sigh. Let's talk about jewelry instead.

Tale as oldddddd as tiiiiiiime,
True as it can beeeeeeeeee-eeee-eeeeee,
Barely even friends,
blah blah blah blah blah
Circle as the sun
doo do doo do dooooo
. . . Lots of other lyriccccccs
. . . Insert a few more li-i-innnnnes!
Tale as old as time
Songs with words that rhyme
Beautyyyyyyyyyyyyy and the Beeeeeeeeeast

I'd like to thank Jewelry Fair 2010 and its Beauty and the Beast theme for getting that mother-effing song stuck in my head for what feels like the rest of eternity. I say that with LOVE though! I like Jewelry Fair because I'm really not a big jewelry shopper and this annual event always expands my accessory horizons.

Thursday, October 7, 2010

Tiny dancer

Dear Most Awesome Couch EVER:


How do I love thee? Let me count the ways:

1. Your mishmash of patterns is so awful, it's awesome.
2. Thanks to you, I just got to use the word "mishmash."
3. You are half-an-ugly-AV-foot shy of being as tall as my FRONT DOOR, which is totally cool because if somebody breaks in my fake house now, they're gonna think a GIANT lives there and run like hell.
4. Hahahahaha! My head only just reaches the cushions.
5. Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha! Hahahahahaha!

OK. I'm done. Thanks for indulging my couch love. Get this Big Silly Sofa (18 prims) at Grim Bros for 444L. It comes in a few different versions. I love that store madly.

Monday, October 4, 2010

I need your help, please

Hi from my job, otherwise known these days as The Realm of Fear and Uncertainty. (Yep, on top of everything else, I recently learned that my PR job might be on the chopping block soon, due to some significant changes in my client's company and this sentence is getting so long blahblahblahblahblahblahblah.)

That was boring as hell, sorry.

OK, here's the favor I'm begging for, and I'll get to how this desperate post relates to Second Life at the end.

October is Domestic Violence Awareness Month and, as such, my favorite time of the year (workwise) because my client champions this cause. Therefore, it's one of the rare times when I can get really passionate about my work and actually feel like I'm making a difference in others' lives.

(Hey - "as such" and "therefore" in one paragraph - take THAT, high-school English teachers!)

One in four U.S. women has been the victim of domestic abuse, including 21 percent of women who work full-time.

We're planning (RL) activities throughout the month to assist regional victims of domestic abuse (and you probably won't be surprised to learn that it's a HUGE problem here in the South). But before we can get things rolling, we need a certain number of people (the more, the better) to "Like" our official Facebook pages.

Saturday, October 2, 2010

Help a sister out this weekend (and insert a better headline here)


I belong to the Thrifty Goth group and I'm always waiting for them to discover me and kick me out because I should really be in the Not Very Goth group.

I do have my dark moments though. Especially these days.

Tonight we got this notecard from Belladonna Mureaux, designer and owner of the awesome store Nightshade:

"I am trying to get $125 by tomorrow for the rest of my rent. I am offering one custom skin for donators. If you can donate 500L or more you will get a custom skin of your choice. I REALLY need to be able to get it by then as it' lol... So I am hoping I can reach that goal. If anyone is able to donate towards this just pass me a NC and your donation and I will get your skin to you! - Bella"

I don't know Bella personally, but here are a few reasons why I think you should join me in helping her:

Friday, October 1, 2010



Soooo, I can't log in anymore.

Every time I log in, I log in to this gray, depressing "Darn. You have been logged out of Second Life" screen.

Really, Second Life? "Darn"? At least put an exclamation point after it and act like you give a damn. In fact, in this instance I'm totally giving you permission to drop the F bomb.

This has been going on for a week. I tried downloading different viewers, older viewers, beta viewers - nothing fixes it. I need to get on chat support, but they're never online before I have to go to work and blah blah blah blah wah wah wah wah.

I ran a systems scan/repair disk thingy on my computer and everything's fine, according to the thingy.

So anyway, whine and all that.

The horrifying thing is that I dug up my dusty old alt Unsung Afterthought -- created in a bored "Can I make a kick-ass avatar using absolutely no lindens?" moment -- and she can log in JUST FINE!


Maybe Emerald Wynn has been corrupted. I don't know if that can happen. But I was thinking this morning, "Wow, what if when I finally get a hold of Support, they tell me my avatar is broken and I have to start all over with a new one??"

Maybe my 110K inventory has FINALLY AND OFFICIALLY KICKED MY ASS! What if they tell me in order for Emerald Wynn to survive, I'd have to dump my whole inventory? Wow. That would be . . . not cool.

If I'm ever able to log back in, I swear I'm going to get rid of more than half my inventory. I'm not even going to sort it. I'll put my 100 favorite things in a folder and get rid of the rest. Well OK, I mean 500. OK, no more than 1,000, I swear.

I'm also going to write down my body and face dimensions. (Gee, what a concept.)

Maybe I've been banned or my account has been suspended or something? I haven't been griefing anyone, I swear!! And wouldn't I get an email about it?

The horrifying possibilities are endless!!

I'm bummed because I really wanted to do the Snow White Hunt. The prizes looked cool. I was psyched the moment I heard about it, actually. That bitch Alice gets all the damn attention. It's about time we started idolizing some other cartoon character.

I have to go to work now. When I find out what's wrong, I'll let you know, if only so Emerald Wynn can be a brave and admirable role model for other malfunctioning AVs.

Somebody tell my landlady that I'll pay my rent as soon as I can, I swear!